Nancy Swanson PhD
(See scientific publications / References below)
Dr Stephanie Seneff PhD – see below
Dr. Nancy Swanson graduated from Western Washington University with a B.S. degree in physics and math in 1986. She received her Ph.D. in physics from The Florida State Univ. She then worked as a staff scientist for the United States Navy. Upon returning to Washington, Nancy taught physics at WWU. She holds five U.S. patents. She is the author of over 30 scientific publications and two books on women in science. She is currently retired and grows flowers.
Nancy took many important chronic disease states showing either
the incidence or deaths over time. She showed with a green line on the graph how fast the disease would have normally increased at the rate prior to 1996 when the first GMO crops were planted.
What if the consumption of GMO crops or animals
(eating GMO crops), were related to the rapid rise
of these chronic diseases?
Cardiovascular disease and Diabetes deaths from:
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Obesity, Diabetes, Hemorrhagic strokes,
and cholesterol
Neurological disorders :
Autism, Alzheimers, and DEATHS from Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsonism, and
Senile Dementia
Urinary :
Deaths from Acute AND Chronic Kidney failure, deaths from urinary & Bladder cancer
Auto-Immune disorders :
Rheumatoid Arthritis
GI disorders :
Deaths from Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Ulcerative Colitis & Crohn’s Disease), Irritable Bowel Syndrome, deaths from Intestinal infection deaths, and viral hepatitis C
Certain cancers :
Cancers of Kidney, Liver & Bile Duct, bladder and kidney cancer,
Deaths from Pancreatic, Thyroid, Liver cancer and Leukemia.
Is the consumption of foods and animals eating foods with GMO crops the cause of the explosion in chronic diseases over the last 20 years?
Dr. Swanson’s data is not proof correlative and needs immediate study.
The consumption of GMO crops or consumption of animals consuming GMO crops were correlated with incidence of or deaths due to organ diseases, cancers, and neurological diseases.
Dr. Swanson took the rise of chronic disease states (CDC disease & mortality data)
and plotted % GMO corn and soy crops planted with the amount of Glyphosate –
(active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup) and saw RAPID EXPONENTIAL rise over time.
The consumption of GMO crops or consumption of animals consuming GMO crops were correlated with incidence of or deaths due to organ diseases, cancers, and neurological diseases.
All of the correlations were greater than 90%,
with autism and senile dementia at 99%. Intestinal diseases were correlated with the number of acres of Bt corn planted.
Again, the correlations are all approximately 95%.
By looking at the green lines you can see the expected increase in the different diseases (based on the rise prior to 1996 when GMOs were rapidly introduced).
For all of the intestinal and immune disease data Dr. Swanson went through all of the CDC hospital discharge records for each year searching for ICD 714.0 & 720. The files are here:
Below are
A) a series of monographs that Dr. Swanson published
B) Graphs showing extreme correlation of GMO crops
to various disease states
Series of monographs that Dr. Swanson published:
1) Does FDA approval mean that GMOs are safe?
2) GMOs and multiple chronic diseases
3) Intestinal disease, immune disease and GMOs (Photos)
4) The Autism Epidemic: Data show correlations between increase in neurological diseases and GMOs
5) Mounting evidence that GMO crops can cause infertility & birth defects
6) Data trends show correlation between increase in organ disease & GMOs (Photos)
7) GMO crops and increase pesticide use (Photos)
8) GMOs are prevalent in the U.S. food supply (Photos)
Graphs showing extreme correlation of
GMO crops to various disease states
Below is a graph showing the rapid rise and acceptance of
GMO crops starting 1996 when first planted
Graphs from DEATHS from
Hypertension, Obesity, Hemorrhagic strokes, and Cholesterol, and association with Diabetes
Cancers – Deaths from
Pancreatic, Thyroid, Leukemia and
Incidence correlated with Cancers of
Kidney, urinary and bladder, Liver & Bile Duct
Brain and Neurological Disorders: DEATHS from
Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Senile Dementia
GI – DEATHS from
Viral Hepatitis C, Intestinal Infection,
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s & Ulcerative Colitis)
Kidney – Deaths from
ACUTE Kidney failure and
CHRONIC Kidney failure
Hospital discharge data having a diagnosis of
Rheumatoid Arthritis vs GMO crops planted
How to identify the most common GMOs in foods
90% of any food containing ingredients : SUGAR, Corn Soy & Canola (vegetable) oil have been sprayed with Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide and or has a built in pesticide in every cell (Bt toxin).
Virtually all animals (chickens, cows, beef etc.) that are not ORGANIC –
eat GMO feed
– Soy,
– Corn,
– Sugar (not labeled cane sugar), or
– Canola (or vegetable oil)
Bt corn was genetically engineered to create holes in the insects stomachs killing them. Two of the biggest concerns we have in clinical medicine that lead to many chronic diseases is called intestinal permeability (leaky gut) as well as auto-immune disorders.
Here is what happens – we ingest foods, vitamins and supplements, and then some of these “particles” go though the stomach and intestines, “passing though” the stomach / intestinal wall into the body cavity and then get filtered back into the blood stream. Our blood has not ever seen these particles and recognizes it as “foreign” and tries to protect us by creating an allergic and auto-immune response. This is partly how chronic inflammation starts.
85% of chronic disease is based on Chronic Inflammation –
– many cancers, heart disease & strokes, hypertension,
intestinal conditions, diabetes, allergies, arthritis, Parkinsonism
Altzheimer’s, autism, auto-immune disorders, kidney disorders,
and many more diseases.
Nancy Swanson Scientific Publications and References:
Most of the slides noted above are in this scientific paper
Genetically engineered crops, glyphosate and the deterioration of health in the United States of America – by Nancy L. Swanson1, Andre Leu2
The High Cost of Pesticides: Human and Animal Diseases
by Judy Hoy1, Nancy Swanson2 and Stephanie Seneff3*
Evidence that glyphosate is a causative agent in chronic sub-clinical metabolic acidosis and mitochondrial dysfunction
by Nancy L. Swanson1 PhD, Judy Hoy2 BS and Stephanie Seneff3 PhD
Aluminum and Glyphosate Can Synergistically Induce Pineal Gland Pathology: Connection to Gut Dysbiosis and Neurological Disease –
by Stephanie Seneff1*, Nancy Swanson2
Death as a Drug Side Effect in FAERS: Is Glyphosate Contamination a Factor?
Stephanie Seneff1, Nancy Swanson2
See Howard Vliegers study (other GMO experts – top page)
Stephanie Seneff PhD
Senior research scientist at the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). She received three degrees from MIT, including a doctoral degree in computer science in 1985. However, she also has an undergraduate degree in biology from MIT, and a minor in food and nutrition. She’s affiliated with the Weston A. Price Foundation
She feels from her research that glyphosate is a major cause of autism and that, “At today’s rates, by 2025, half the kids born will be diagnosed with autism
Stephanie Seneff PhD – Scientific References :
Interview – Stephanie Seneff PhD – How to detox form GMOs
Dr Stephanie Seneff – Vaccines, Glyphosate and Autism
Interview with Jeffrey Smith, published January 21, 2015.
Stephanie Seneff PhD – Tedx Talk – November, 2016
Could THIS Be the Hidden Factor Behind Obesity, Heart Disease, and Chronic
Fatigue? – Interview of Dr. Joesph Mercola DO and Dr. Stephanie Seneff PhD – September 17, 2011
Stephanie Seneff PhD – Glyphosate acting as a glycine analogue
Stephanie Seneff PhD – AutismOne talk on aluminum & glyphosate role in autism
Stephanie Seneff PhD – Interview on GMOs, Glyphosate, Autism and Obesity